Intercultural communication in groups looking at group dynamics and ways in which groups communicate, using youth groups as an example. Explain the six dimensions or frameworks for studying cultural differences. Intercultural competence is the capacity to shift ones frame of reference to that of a culturally different person or group, i. Intercultural communication commgap 3 traits that make for competent intercultural communicators include flexibility and the ability to tolerate high levels of uncertainty, reflectiveness or mindfulness,14 openmindedness, sensitivity, adaptability, and the ability to engage in divergent and systemslevel thinking. Protocolo intercultural by zaira rodriguez on prezi. Z ain a b in t i ibr ah im e bik a t if an n y e lad su pe r v is o r. Week, november, chapters 12 striving for effective intercultural communication. The intercultural dimension of teaching and learning. Understanding intercultural communication, 2005, 404 pages, stella tingtoomey, leeva chilling chung, 0195330064, 9780195330069, oxford university press. Thanks to the specific expertise of each partner, the network and its partners grow in order to achieve their mission. Intercultural communication research papers academia. Unesco interculturalidad interculturalidad diversidad. Michael paige professor emeritus of international and intercultural education university of minnesota.
Intercultural communication and the society analysis of social processes behind intercultural communication, theories and tools available for youth workers to look at the bigger picture. Intercultural business communication course objective the course is designed to help students understand the main cultural issues that must be taken into account when doing business in a multicultural setting. View intercultural communication research papers on academia. Applying your knowledge about intercultural communication. Week 12, november 6, chapter 11 characteristics of intercultural conflict. With the study guides and notes written by fellow students, you are guaranteed to be properly prepared for your exams. The intercultural dimension of teaching and learning r.
To this end, the course provides students with a basic understanding of the invisible cultural differences in values and norms. Define and explain the importance of intercultural communication. Describe the role intercultural communication plays in communicating effectively. Intercultural conflict can be the result of different negotiation styles, decisionmaking methods, or even opposing views about how to resolve conflict. To achieve its mission, comundos is developing a network of partners in the north and south. Define culture and coculture and what it means to possess a cultural identity. Culture gives us messages that shape our perceptions, attributions, judgments, and ideas of self. Understanding intercultural communication, 2005, 404 pages. To reduce cultural patterns in intercultural collaboration with a diverse workforce m ast e r t he sis su b m it t e d 2 0 1 7 b y. On the design and delivery of intercultural training. At other times, participants unexpectedly run into some turbulence and things dont go as. In todays global workplace, culture is an integral part of conflict and conflict resolution. Interculturalidad y educacion intercultural en mexico.
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